Saturday, March 14, 2009


The history of the interesting and collectible tools is filled with false starts, ambition over-reaching ability to deliver, and many other factors resulting in scarcity.

The sale inventory of the Richard Carter collection auction the weekend of Feb. 27th- March 1st had several examples. The Oct. 5, 1880 Genry A. Chapman patent combination wrench and pipe cutter looked hand-made. two-rarities

The "smalls" included a 4-inch combination "crescent" type adjustable wrench with an alligator wrench on the handle end.

Every collection of any significance has a few such oddities.

This blog has taken a back burner to other activities the past few months -- work responsibilities, DATAMP, and the demands of producing the MARCH 2009 MVWC Newsletter. That issue was delivered to the post office this morning & members should be receiving copies some time next week.

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