Monday, March 16, 2009

How Close to Now Does OLD Extend?

The first issue of the Missouri Valley Wrench Club Newsletter in June, 1982 noted the recent closing of Leverage Tools of Glenvil, Nebraska -- the company had been bought out by Stanley.

LEVERAGE TOOLS self-adjusting locking pliers, clamps, etc. are now collectibles.

BRILES_PAWLOCK One of the newer pieces in the Richard Carter auction inventory was a set of ratchet-action open end wrenches patented in 1957.
The set appeared to have been produced in the 1960s.

The upcoming Don Ervin sale includes a Vise-Grip TOOLKIT combination tool that's probably 10 - 15 years old.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The history of the interesting and collectible tools is filled with false starts, ambition over-reaching ability to deliver, and many other factors resulting in scarcity.

The sale inventory of the Richard Carter collection auction the weekend of Feb. 27th- March 1st had several examples. The Oct. 5, 1880 Genry A. Chapman patent combination wrench and pipe cutter looked hand-made. two-rarities

The "smalls" included a 4-inch combination "crescent" type adjustable wrench with an alligator wrench on the handle end.

Every collection of any significance has a few such oddities.

This blog has taken a back burner to other activities the past few months -- work responsibilities, DATAMP, and the demands of producing the MARCH 2009 MVWC Newsletter. That issue was delivered to the post office this morning & members should be receiving copies some time next week.