Monday, October 20, 2008

Connecting dots

In addition to the Missouri Valley Wrench Club newsletter, a substantial portion of my "hobby" time the last few years has been devoted to adding patent entries to DATAMP. One wonderful thing about DATAMP is that it is a volunteer collaboration that (so far at least) is free of advertising.

The image in this post is copied from my DATAMP entry for U.S. patent no. 426,224. It incorporates portions of the drawing from the U.S. Patent Office web site, and a highly edited photo from a display at a recent MVWC club meeting.

Holding a key position in the wrench collecting hobby, and having sufficient information technology skills to put these disparate pieces together, is gratifying.
(Nov. 6, 2008) P.S. The date on this post is misleading; the current version completely replaces the entry of the earlier date.

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